Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Solid Machinery Behind The Philippine Economy That Makes It Tick , The Chinese Businessmen


If we would really think of it , the Philippine economy is run largely by Chinese businessmen ,
banking ,telecommunications , air & sea transports , chain of malls , food and services related , in all sectors you can find them and it doesn't surprise me anymore .

I have this admiration for Chinese folks , specially these good people in the business sector , they are the main generator of employment in the country , providing movement and activity in the economy.


Some of them are also in politics and it is admirable of them to serve the nation and unselfishly help 
the Philippine government with their talents and resources.

What surprises me is that these Chinese folks are proud to be Filipino-Chinese citizen and really have considered themselves as true Filipinos so to speak.

So I feel that their presence and involvement in the Philippines is a very huge factor , I consider them as a blessing to this country.


What makes the Chinese people do good in business , I am really amazed by them , some say they help and support each other as their trait and ways as Chinese people , I guess they practice very good work ethics .

Sadly for true Filipinos like me , most of us end up just as employees .

 The majority of the Filipinos are living in poverty and below poverty level.

If we would trace our history , we would find some causes why the nation is in this situation , but personally I don't want to blame anybody , blaming people will get us nowhere .
I say let us stop blaming and start thinking and working for change , by starting the change in ourselves .

We should develop our identity as Filipinos , we should start building this nation from scratch .

Let us revise all our textbooks and develop in our youth the love of country , patriotism ,to love our own and make them idealistic people.

We should always teach them the values of nationalism , to unite us as one nation , teach them to fear God , the Christian values to live by .

Presently our main asset as Filipinos is ourselves , we are our country's best resources.
As to what is happening now , right now there is a great number of Filipinos scattered all over the globe resulting in foreign currencies flowing in to the country's economy which is significantly beneficial.

In my mind , our government should invest in our people by educating them to make them skilled and qualified to work abroad , there is really not much opportunity for work here , let us send our people abroad specially those unemployed people we see everyday doing nothing , the government should provide training skills for free and source jobs for them abroad , this is the best solution I can see at present to serve as a remedy to our ever growing unemployment and poverty.

Since we cannot control our population , we might as well use it to our advantage by producing skilled to highly skilled , proficient work force and export them .

We cannot help them by feeding them , we can help them by teaching them to earn for themselves .